Learn something new about money
While studying part-time and working full-time towards my undergraduate degree, managing my time, and finding balance was quite challenging. I did not have the drive, desire, or determination to learn anything outside the scope of my degree. In hindsight, this was one of the biggest lessons I would understand. One [...]
Identifying your money mistakes
Many of us had to learn about managing money through trial and error, by making mistakes and hopefully using that knowledge to avoid making them again. Money mistakes can be costly and can be avoided when you have access to the skills, knowledge, and tools required to make wise decisions. [...]
Finding your financial WHY – Wellness Warehouse Magazine
Struggling to find your FINANCIAL Why? Finding Your Financial Why
The journey of Jean Archary
Jean Archary is a mother, author, teacher, and master motivator. She’s created an enterprise in helping others find peace of mind and comfort around a sometimes-intimidating topic: Money. Using her Education in child psychology along with her personal experiences, Jean is now a Certified Financial Planner and a Certified Workplace [...]
Want to pay less tax?
The dreaded T word… let's face it…no one likes to pay tax. It's almost like a grudge purchase except you did not agree to buy anything. But it is a necessary contribution that if spent correctly would go a long way in benefiting, uplifting, and improving the overall well-being of [...]