
Master your money mindset

Struggling to attract financial success? Want to start thinking like a wealthy person? With our practical and fun exercises in this course, you can now identify any limiting money beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving financial success. Included in this course is a 17-page workbook to help guide you on your journey. ACTION STEPS Download the Workbook which will guide you through each step. You may print this or save it to your pc. Make sure you complete all the exercises. Watch each video before completing the relevant exercise

Money messages for others

The intention behind this section is to empower as many people as we can to make better decisions regarding their personal and financial lives. Each of these courses has been designed with the aim of improving the knowledge and skills required to manage money better and also explores some aspects of the emotional connection we have with money. These courses are suitable for everyone in your household, from your young children to teenagers, young adults, and even your domestic staff. Together, we can raise a money-smart household. Our money management courses offer rich financial knowledge that covers different aspects relating [...]


Welcome to the MONEY MESSAGES financial education and wellness platform and congratulations on taking the step to improve your financial wellness. We look forward to partnering with you on this journey. Over the years, you would have experienced the many emotions that money can bring to our lives. When we have a lot of it, we tend to be in great spirits and when there is a lack of it, we are anxious, worried and stressed. Regardless of the amount you earn or have, managing it wisely can only be achieved with proper knowledge, skills and actions. These [...]

More on money

A key component of financial wellness is investing surplus funds so that you can achieve your financial goals. This can be somewhat overwhelming, as there is a myriad of investment solutions available. The complexity of investment products, their features and benefits, fee structures, associated risks, and the jargon can be somewhat overwhelming even for the financially astute. This is why many rely on various financial experts, such as Financial Advisors/Planners, Asset Managers, Stock Brokers, or Portfolio Managers who have studied and have years of experience in their respective fields. ACTION STEPS Download or print the Workbook [...]

Managing my expenses

Now that you have a better understanding of the income and benefits you receive, the next step is to know exactly how your income is being spent. When we spend more than we earn, we are living beyond our means. And whilst there be many varying reasons why we do this, we must learn to have better control over our spending. The first step is to know exactly where your money is going and this can be done by having a budget or spending plan. In this step, we help you to manage your expenses and work your [...]

Making sense of my income

Now that you have an idea of some of the important aspects to include in your financial wellness plan, the next step is to identify your income. Making sense of your income helps you to obtain a better understanding of the structure of your income and employee benefits. Why is this important? Well you may be receiving a few benefits from your employer that forms an integral part of your financial wellness. Fully understanding these, is a huge advantage and will help you to identify potential gaps, avoid duplicating benefits, or spend money unnecessarily on financial goals that [...]

Me and my life

No two people are the same. We all grew up with different family dynamics and circumstances. Some families are wealthy, whilst some are not. Some may have had access to good quality education whilst others may have only had access to basic education. Even the personalities within our family units are different. This explains how two children from the same family can end up with very diverse personalities and behaviors.  We are unique in our own rights, have different mindsets, experiences and goals, and dreams. This means that our financial wellness plan must be aligned to our own [...]


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